Belly Progress and an update -

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I am terrible at posting and need to get on it- not too much time left. I have to find the first pictures since the only pictures I am finding right now are ones that start in November- atleast its every two weeks at this point so I am consistent. Here is the bump progress:

So These range from 11/1 until yesterday. You can tell good progress until 12/15 and then it branches off. I need to get some better pics so that it is more consistent, but I definitely look pregnant now. I am 25 weeks so this is my update for 25 weeks:

Total weight gain: Monday will tell the official but I think its around 6lbs. I am counting that as a win.

How big is baby?: we are measuring the size of a rutabaga from Babycenter, this week on the Bump we are the size of a eggplant.

Maternity clothes?: Found bras- SCORE. Need short sleeve items badly, nothing is long enough for the bump and my chest.
Stretch marks? still feel like I should own stock in Palmers cocoa butter that is still keeping these away.
Symptoms? sleep is getting better as the round ligament pain starts to go away. Some days I wonder what in the heck is going on in there.
Sleep? still sleeping so that is a win. Tired more often than I thought I would be.
Best moment this week?: my dad called this morning and asked how his grandbaby was doing... not going to lie it made me cry.
Movement?: LOTS - I feel like a trampoline some days. Last night I felt hiccups for the first time. Hilarious.
Food cravings? spinach is the food of the week. I guess chalk it up to being healthy.
Labor signs?: keep them away.
Belly button in or out?: still in - stretching but getting bigger.
Gender? team green
What I miss? still missing cute clothes. I am disappointed with Maternity fashion right now- the economy has caused so many places to cut back and shopping online isnt for me this time.
What I am looking forward to: I am going to Cali next week so that should be fun pregnant.
Milestone: 15 weeks and counting... its going fast!


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