0 4 months already!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Work and babysitting are becoming easier and easier each day. I think I am actually getting lazy about it sometimes. I am still breastfeeding (well exclusively pumping in our case) but Charlotte is getting bigger and healthier for this effort so I will continue. We had our 4 month checkup on the 12th of September and we got a perfect score. This was the first appointment daddy couldn’t attend (he was in Boston) but we quickly called to check up with him when we left. She was 16.5lbs and 26.5 inches long. Off the charts in height and weight we were at 95%. Growing strong and healthy is the way to go.  Favorites this month are Bruce the Moose, Monkey blanket and Sophie the giraffe. We are wearing 6 mos clothing and moving on to size three diapers soon. We started solids (peas were the first food attempted) and you love them. So far you have had peas, banana, oatmeal, rice, avocado – not a favorite, and pears.  First real time mommy and daddy went out (since we left you with aunt Kat to see Steely Dan and you cried for 3 hours straight) and you were PERFECT! Aunt Kat and Zak watched you and you were great. You played and ate well and went to bed for them with no problem. It was nice for mom and dad to celebrate their anniversary and for you to spend time with Aunt Kat!