And we have movement

Thursday, December 9, 2010
I posted the other day about week 19 and as we roll along I kept wondering when I was going to feel the baby move. The docs always say 16-20 weeks but some say it can take longer. When you havent heard or got to see the baby in almost 10 weeks you wonder what is going on in there. I realize its still early so I wasnt too worked up about it, but did plan to talk to the doc about it if I didnt feel anything soon. We have our ultrasound scheduled for the 20th of December so its coming up soon - not too much more time to wait.
As I was preparing for my workout yesterday I was running around the office like a mad woman trying to get everything finished for the day. Side note :man sometimes I wish I didnt feel so obligated to do these all the time because I was seriously tired- just feel too good after I finish them to stop. As I was finally settling down to relax, I noticed what felt like gas bubbles in my stomach. As I looked through the items I ate for the day, it just didnt make sense. As I sat still a little longer I realized it wasnt gas bubbles but actual movement. I thought i have felt some movement before, but we will write down 12/8/10 as the first official time I knew it was the baby moving. I cant wait for Mark to be able to feel it move. SO exciting.
I dont have much more to add now. I want to upload bump pictures, but Mark keeps hogging the camera- until I can snatch it away I will have to start taking my own pics in the bathroom mirror.


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