One month young! The life of a month old

Thursday, June 2, 2011
I always hope that I can keep up with this once I go back to work because if I had some of these things from when I was young (not that we had blogs then) I would love it. I got the idea of keeping tabs on the birth from my mother. One gem that I have from her is the story of my birth. How lucky am I. Since she isnt around anymore to ask about my youth, I rely on photos and memories that my dad has. Here is my recap for Charlottes first month.

Events that have happened-
You were born on the day that Osama Bin Laden was killed- I know this sounds morbid, however, this is a big deal since your family has plenty of military members that are active and were fighting in the war during the time.
Its the month of May - the weather has been very weird- lots of tornado warnings and issues with the weather this month. Plenty of rain (actually more rain that we have ever had) and we were going from 40 degrees to 90 in a short period of time.
Details about you-
You are a very awake child. You love to be around people and actually sleep well when its noisy and you calm down when I blow dry my hair or run the vacuum. You love to swing in your swing. I dont let you do it all the time, however, its a good break for mommy. You were wearing newborn clothes most of the time this month. You dont love sleepers- you find them to be a little confining when you like to kick your feet around. You love your kitty binx - if you are wondering where we came up withe name- I have no idea. Its a kitty on the end of a pacifier... this is all your father and I could come up with.
I am starting to put you on the floor more and get you to play in the floor. I think I was scared for the first week to do this. I am not sure why but hey I am a new mom and I am learning. You dont like the heat. You were fine with being bundled up, however, now that it is getting hotter- you HATE it. You typically end up half dressed to cool off.
You love the sound of the fan when you sleep. I have a feeling we will be using a noise machine when you make it to your own room soon. You like the bath tub, however, you dont like it unless we talk to you and calm you down. If we try to go too fast you scream bloody murder. Give Daddy and I time, we will pick up the best way to do things.
You are eating a ton- I was wondering why you were fussy the last few weeks but you were just working on growing. You went from 7lbs 11 ounces when you were born to 7lbs 2 ounces in a week. This is normal however, it was making me nervous. At your one month checkup you were 8lbs 10 ounces. I was shocked and happy you were growing. You are now 22inches long and making great progress.
You are starting to make eye contact and smile at me and daddy which makes us the happiest parents ever. I swear I almost cry when I see how pretty your smile is. You are a very happy baby and get plenty of attention. You have so many people that love you it makes us very happy. Your grandma and grandpa call to see how you are doing all the time and everyone is always asking for an update.
What I hope for you- I hope you are always happy. I hope you are challenged in everything you do so you learn how to adapt and become a better person. I hope you are able to love as much as you are loved and you are compassionate. I hope you grow up to ask questions, search for new things and become a strong woman. You will always have our support and guidance, however, I know we will let you learn things on your own. This is not to punish, but to help you grow. I cannot wait to watch you grow and I am constantly loving looking into your eyes and see how much you have grown and changed.
Your father and I love you very much! You have changed our world and we cannot wait to watch you grow in the next few months!


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