More posts on things I cant live without!

Friday, June 24, 2011
I promised to keep updating this as I go - so here goes...
The beloved bouncy seat. When Charlotte was a few weeks old I thought this was a huge waste of money. She hated it and was actually too small to enjoy it. I put it in the corner and actually got it out last week and what do we know she fits much better. I purchased the  Carters Cuddle Me Bouncer - we picked it due to the vibrating seat and the ability to bounce. The toy bar is removable and its easily washable. This helps when we go places or when we go outside. Much easier to carry than the swing. I would say most people think you can live without this... however its easier to take a shower with her sitting in this.

Boppy Pillow - I will admit- I hated this at first. I felt fat since it didn't fit around my waist to use to breast feed. I wanted to throw it away. Now that she is bigger- I use it more to let her sit on the ground and I also now can use it to breast feed since the belly has slimmed down again.  I think if you plan to only use this to breast feed, then you might want to look at my Breast Friend pillow. I just used a regular pillow until she was big enough and I was small enough to use it for feedings.

The Beloved Breast Pump - I debated this purchase and luckily was able to get a deal on a breast pump. I wasnt sure if breast feeding was going to work for me and after I learned how to use a breast pump in the hospital (this was a suggestion from a friend and I am really glad they told me to do this.) I started up the breast pump to make sure I was producing milk. It also helped me get a break from feeding on the body and get her used to a bottle. Now we pretty much pump all the time and only body feed once a day. I would have never been able to keep up with her if I was only body feeding. She eats every 2 hours and about 4 ounces. I am greatful to have my pump and its easy to tote around. I have the Medela Pump in Style Advanced. Dr. Browns bottles fit into the Medela horns so its really nice to have a bunch of extra bottles.

The stroller- I LOVE my stroller. We tried this stroller when we were asked to babysit for friends that moved back to the US from Europe. This stroller is extremely convenient. It folds easily and allows for many connection points. The Quinny stroller was a little out of our price range and I was devistated to find out that it was unobtainable. I started looking at a few other strollers and was about to give up hope. I happened to make a pit stop into the Gap Factory Outlet to get a pair of maternity jeans when I saw the Quinny Bassinet that hooks into the stroller. I asked the lady at the register why they had that and she stated they had a shipment of baby items and they had one stroller left. I almost fell over. I loved this stroller. I purchased this stroller and picked it up the next day. Note to everyone- make sure the stroller you pick fits into your vehicle. I know a couple of people who had issues fitting their stroller into their cars. Makes it hard to go out without this.

Baby Bjorn- another questionable purchase that we are glad we have now. Mark tried on the carriers in the store because I wasnt sure if I would be able to use it. We got the original carrier and are very happy with the purchase. Charlotte loves to be carted around in it and I hope it stays that way!


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