First Month of Baby- the things we couldnt and cant live without.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
This is going to be a post for my memory but also for a few friends who are having kiddos soon.
The first month of baby Charlotte is coming to an end today. The things that people tell you that you need aren't always what you need. Every baby is different and every parent is different. I am sure that there are things I am missing but hopefully this helps.
We have a few items so far we cant live without-
Car seat and base - We have the Maxi- Cosi car seat and base and we love it. Very easy to put in and out of the car and very easy to get the baby in and out of.

Swing- I know some babies dont like the swing but Charlotte loves it. Sometimes we dont even turn it on- she just likes the angle that it sits at. As she gets bigger she likes the mirror and mobile that is on the swing and now she tries to talk to the mobile. We have the Fisher Price Love U Zoo swing. It has a few different positions, plugs into the wall and has a battery feature and also has music that isnt terrible.

Wubbanub Kitty Soothie- Charlotte likes to suck and she is too small to hold them in her mouth on her own so when I was watching terrible television and saw these I had to try them. Amazon luckily had two day shipping free so the kitty came to be her new best friend. We call this Kitty Binx- dont ask where we got that but she loves it. Its easy to rest on her chest and we can even tuck her arms on it to help her hold it. I swear we should have purchased more but hopefully she wont use it too long.

Burp Cloths- no need for anything fancy- we just used plain old cloth diapers and we love them. They work great.

Diapers and wipes- of course- you go through a million of them but dont stock up too much on newborn diapers. We learned really quick that as she started to mess out the diaper - it was time for the next size up. They looked huge on her but we arent cleaning out messes anymore.

Aden and Anais Swaddle blankets- I had a few swaddle blankets but I didnt register for these. A friend purchased them for me and I swear it was a wonderful surprise. These are light and wonderful. They are easy to swaddle, cover while your breastfeeding, drape over the carseat and even just keep in the car just in case. we got the animal ones and she loves them. I swear I will buy them for everyone if they arent registered for them.

Breast Pump- even if you want to feed exclusively, you should think about a pump. It keeps you from getting engorged and also helps you know how much milk you are producing. This has been a savior for me. It also helps us when we go out in public. If I had to breastfeed in public it would probably be a fumbling mess. This also gives Mark a chance to feed her every once in a while.

Breast Shields- I was suggested to purchase Lily Padz- they are silicone pads that are shaped like flowers. They stick to the skin without adhesive and they keep your breasts from leaking milk. They are great. You can get them wet and just wash them off. I suggest a couple pairs for a backup set.

I am sure there will be more but besides the basics- clothes, blankets, a place for the baby to sleep- these are necessities. I will try to add more as we go on so that I can remember and hopefully it helps!


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