The process of buying a house...

Friday, March 11, 2011

One thing I will never recommend is purchasing a house when you are pregnant. It sounds like a natural flow- finding out your having a baby, looking for more space to raise your unborn child and for quality education, and a place to dig in your roots. I can say all of these things were going through our mind when we decided it was time to settle down. We started our search in October of 2010, visiting open houses and getting a feel of the market. We found some good options, but nothing that ever struck our fancy until we visited an open house in a small neighborhood in Anderson. We walked in and I loved the house. It was clean, open and decorated well, just overpriced for the square footage and amenities. We never found anything that just fit for us over the next few months so we decided to give up.
Fast forward to February. House hunting is back on our minds, but we really haven’t had any luck finding any new options. We again stopped in a few open houses and started looking more frequently at listings, but yet nothing. We were both still traveling and decided it was time to buckle down and get the search on the way. We decided a Saturday of looking at homes would be a great option. We started around 12pm looking at close to 15 homes before we were just plain tired. The house we loved previously was off the market, our second choice literally went off the market while we were looking at it, and our third choice was a short sale and the bank wasn’t willing to accept any offers except above asking price. INSANE – yes. We knew that it was time to buckle down and start planning to have our little one in our apartment until something opened up. Disappointed – yes, giving up – no. We were frustrated, but we knew it was something we had to get through. We scheduled more time with our relator to look at a few more homes on Tuesday night and I honestly wasn’t willing to go. Mark was going to have to decide on these on his own. I didn’t want to interrupt my day for houses we didn’t like. We had a plan in place to be in communication if we needed to see another house for a second time, so I went on with my day working out and was prepared to head home for the night.
That is when we got the call. The house we liked in October was open again – no idea why, but I felt it was a sign. I ran to Anderson to meet Mark and the relator for another look prior to us jumping on placing an offer. I waited around for about 2 hours then we got the call. We had a preliminary inspection report for the walk through which helped and we felt confident we wanted to put in a bid. After sitting until about 10:30 we had our offer in and the games began. We had a few back and forth discussions and we were accepted. We thought we were prepared for the whirlwind of events, however, we are still wondering if we are.  We are currently two weeks away and praying every second that our final demands are met and we are ready to finally move. We have been packing boxes, labeling boxes that were already packed and preparing for what is going to be a long and tedious move. I have attached some photos and hopefully we will be moving in soon. Keep your fingers crossed.


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