First day with the nanny!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Charlotte Jane-
As I sit here at my desk on the first day I return to work I realize how special and great you are! You decided to wake up when mommy was getting ready which made me even more nervous about you taking good naps. You played on the bed while I put my makeup on and dried my hair and I listened to you talk to your toys and to daddy when he was in the room. You had the biggest smiles on your face which helped me get ready even more to be home. As I sit here looking at your pictures and thinking about what we did all day every day for the last 12 weeks I realize how special that time was. I came back to work to make our lives better, to show you that we can do anything we set our minds to and that we love you enough to give you the best we can at all times.
 I only cried a little before I put you in your car seat, smelling you and kissing you before I put you down. You slept the entire trip over to Acacia’s house and didn’t wake up before we left. Mrs. Jessica was ready for you and was excited to have you. I probably spent a little too much time walking out the door, however, I know you’re in good hands. I checked on you 2 hours after dropping you off and you were having a great time. You were playing and cooing and were eating VERY well. When I checked a few hours later you had such a great nap it almost made me nervous. Mrs. Jessica sent a picture to show us how happy you were which did make mommy cry, but I also realize how much I miss your cute little face. I will be there in just two hours to pick you up and I can’t wait to snuggle you when I return home. Thank you for making mommy’s return to work that much easier… as I always tell you- if you could eat ice cream, I would totally give you some! This picture is what Mrs. Jessica sent mommy and daddy when you woke up from your nap. You love that little monkey... hopefully these faces will continue!


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