Two Months already?!? How you have changed.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Charlotte Jane-
you are our little Jane girl. You have really learned to use your smiles and have started to coo and talk to us when we talk to you. I love when you stare into my eyes when you are happy or sad and I love the way when you are sad you want your mommy. It brings tears to my eyes to know that I mean so much to one little person. You are getting SO big and are learning to entertain yourself. You, just like your mama, like to sing and dance. You sit wherever you are and kick your feet and move your arms and do your own version of singing. You have a song in your heart and I cant wait to hear what that song brings you.
This month you have learned to hold your head up even more and are getting closer to sitting up in your stroller and your bouncy seat. You are putting weight on your legs and pushing up when we hold you. You are a very strong girl and we cant wait to watch you continue to grow.
You just witnessed fireworks for the first time and couldnt care less- you slept right through them. We cant wait to see you with them next year,


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